Aug 7, 2023Liked by Chelsey Feder

The toddler phase!! 😍 everyone warned us about the terrible twos, but no one mentioned just how FUN toddlers are. By far my favourite stage - they start becoming your buddy and it's the best.

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Yes! Buddies! I really enjoy having reciprocal interactions 😆

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Love this, Chelsey! Parenthood is so full of those contradictions in wanting things to hurry up and slow down simultaneously ❤️ Re Instagram ~ I have found that I’ve been able to ease the transition away a lot by keeping the app on my iPad only and still posting occasional teasers for my work on Substack ..... but not consuming any content there. I turn off the comments so I don’t need to come back to check and then just don’t touch it again until it’s time to schedule my next teaser. For me it lets me use it as a tool, but I’m not feeling the harm it once did to my attention, self confidence, and wallet. Just a thought, not sure if it will be helpful!

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It always helps to hear how others approach IG (or lots of other things!), so thank you for sharing! I run our IG for Novel Pairings and have found a lot of freedom in scheduling posts ahead for a few weeks, or even a month and then checking in on stories 1 or 2x per week, and I think I'll adopt that practice for my personal account too. Weirdly, running things like a business over there works so much better to compartmentalize, as impersonal as it may feel sometimes.

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