I think you articulated one of the most important facets of story time at the Library, which is the socialization factor—both for children and caregivers! I have made a lot of really wonderful connections personally attending story time with my daughter, and I’m honored to watch friendships and community blossom each time I put on story time. Such an important service!

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It's the highlight of our week!

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Loved reading your reading habits with your little one!

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chelsey Feder

I appreciate how you note that your bookish habits have developed organically; it's nice to know that these habits aren't things that need to be structured and can evolve as schedules and interests change. One element that has contributed to making our toddler obsessed with books is having them available everywhere in the house. The kitchen, living room, our room, bath books in the tub, and a bucket full of books in the car. And not just board/picture books - I have my books around everywhere and he loves to flip through them (somewhat gently... a few have been sacrificed for the cause). 😂 Looking forward to more posts in this series!

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chelsey Feder

Oh, Chelsea! What a precious relationship Theo and Victoria have. This post reminds me of my own childhood librarian, Ms. Ramona. She would let us stand on a little stool and stamp our own due date cards and watch her process. I don't know if she realized the power of ownership in our library lives she gave us in that small gesture, although I like to think she knew exactly what she was doing. I would play library with my books at home and went on to be an elementary school librarian for 11 years. These bookish relationships are priceless and never leave us.

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This is the sweetest!!! Thank you for sharing!

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My daughter (she’s now 19) and I used to walk to our library to fill up the stroller basket with books for her. Before we hit the road, she would pick a book to hold open while I read aloud to her, pushing that overloaded stroller all the way home.

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Soooo cute!

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One of the things I looked forward to most about being a parent was going to the library and picking out lots and lots of children's books. Now that the weather is nice we often spread a picnic blanket out in the front yard and bring a pile of books.

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I can't wait to do the same! The only thing better than the library is OUTSIDE.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Chelsey Feder

I love this post and the ideas! We have books scattered everywhere in our house for my 2-year-old daughter and she now depends on storytime as part of the bedtime routine (and sometimes our morning routine too)! One thing I have started is on weekend mornings, she gets to watch an episode or two of a cartoon and I get to drink hot coffee and read my book. She still looks to me for some engagement or to tell me something about the cartoon, but I can get some reading time in while still being present for her.

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I love that weekend routine! Something for both of you to look forward to.

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Love this! One thing I’ve found that works for us is I like to read while my daughter plays nearby. I’ve found that she doesn’t necessarily want to play with me so much as have me close at hand (obviously, need to keep an eye on the adult 😆). In those moments I’m able to sneak in 15-20 mins of solid reading.

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Haha yes, gotta make sure you aren't off doing something more fun!

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