I like to write at the end of my day after my kids are in bed. At that time I'm so tired I'm half falling asleep, my mind is in between that wake and sleep state, and my internal critic is definitely fast asleep. When I reread it a couple of days later, it's either total gibberish or occasionally something kind of amazing that I would only be able to produce when my mind is completely relaxed.

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As someone who often gets lost in the many, many browser tabs and rabbit holes of my brain, I often open a new distraction-free Chrome window when I *need* to complete a task. And allowing myself to "just write" sometimes without a purpose or destination will often empty a few of my mental hangups and help me realize that just getting those words out was enough, they don't actually need to be published, and I'd rather not have anyone read them. Also, I'm intrigued by Neighbors and will definitely be adding that to my short story TBR pile!

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